TTC has a new look

Introducing our crisp new logo, vibrant new colour scheme, and a brand new website.

18 Aug, 2021 Updated 15 Feb, 2022

It’s a challenging time for our industry. The world as we know it has changed. 

We’ve been doing what we can to support our clients through the crisis. 

We’ve broadened our services, so we can help with a wider range of problems. We’ve stepped up our output of quality, thoughtful blog posts, infographics and webinars. We’ve devoted our time and our resources to supporting industry events, seminars and helplines.  

But we couldn’t help noticing we’d let ourselves go in the looks department. 

So we thought it was time to make some changes of our own.

Introducing our crisp new logo, vibrant new colour scheme, and a brand new website that’s easy on the eye, and even easier to navigate, including:

  • A revamped news and insights section, with a firm focus on informative content covering critical industry issues.
  • More details on the support we provide, including some illustrative case studies.
  • Lots more information about our brilliant team and their skills.

Rest assured that underneath the surface, we’re still the same helpful people, providing the same great service.

Some things haven’t changed. 

We hope you like what you see! 

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